Listening session # 6: Félicia Atkinson, “First House of Echo”

17/02/18 | 4. pm - 6 pm

Programme :

– Listening session # 1 : Saturday 9 Decembre, 4 – 6 pm.
with pieces by Pauline Oliveros et une œuvre originale de Félicia Atkinson.

– Listening session # 2: Saturday 13 January, 4 – 6 pm.
with pieces by Hildegarde de Bingen et Alice Coltrane et une œuvre originale de Félicia Atkinson

– Listening session # 3: Saturday 20 January, 4 – 6 pm.
with pieces by Eliane Radigue and an original piece by Félicia Atkinson

– Listening session # 4 : Saturday 27 January, 4 – 6 pm.
with pieces by Myriam Amacher, Delia Derbyshire, Daphné Oram and an original piece by Félicia Atkinson

– Listening session # 5: Saturday 3 February, 4 – 6 pm.
with pieces by Sachiko M et Ami Yoshida and an original piece by Félicia Atkinson

– Listening session # 6: Saturday 17 February, 4 – 6 pm.
with pieces by Laurie Spiegel et Suzanne Ciani and an original piece by Félicia Atkinson

– Listening session # 7 : Saturday 10 March, 4 – 6 pm.
with pieces by Emahoy Tsegué-Maryam Guèbrou et Adèle Sébastian and an original piece by Félicia Atkinson
Admission free, but book in advance:
